
What does API stand for in Java?

What does API stand for? API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. Interface can be thought of as a contract of service between two applications. This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses.

What is API management?

As a platform-as-a-service, API Management supports the complete API lifecycle. If you're already familiar with API Management and ready to start, see these resources: APIs enable digital experiences, simplify application integration, underpin new digital products, and make data and services reusable and universally accessible.

What is an API contract?

This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses. Their API documentation contains information on how developers are to structure those requests and responses. How do APIs work? API architecture is usually explained in terms of client and server.

What is an application programming interface (API)?

An application programming interface, or API, enables companies to open up their applications’ data and functionality to external third-party developers, business partners, and internal departments within their companies.

